Myokinesthetic System

Michele Gust, PT is a certified Myokinesthetic Practitioner and the first one in Miami.  This unique, research-driven technique was created to relieve pain by correcting and balancing the nervous system. Benefits include relieving the root problems causing pain, rebalancing the nervous system, balancing posture, increasing function, decreasing pain, resetting the body, and restoring health, range of motion, and movement. Full treatments take anywhere from 3-15 minutes.


This is an advanced manual therapy technique releases protective spasm in all tissues of the human body. Every tissue can actively contract and produce pain as a protective response to trauma or stress. Through gentle body positioning and gentle tissue manipulation, Counterstrain unloads and decompresses the strained structure, and alleviates the primary source of pain and dysfunction just minutes. This technique can help patients with chronic conditions such as Fibromyalgia, headaches/migraines, Arthritis, even organ issues.

Pain Neutralization

 Uses light pressure to eliminate chronic pain in seconds through newly uncovered neurological reflexes. This method can actually change the tone in a painful muscle, eliminating many chronic exquisitely painful areas and symptoms in just seconds, permanently. Clients call this the “magic wand” technique or the “pain eraser.”